
Theometrics Immunity + CBD

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$159.00 $69.00


What is Theometrics Immunity + CBD

Theometrics Immunity + CBD formula contains a variety of active constituents that work on multiple levels of the body. This product features a valuable chicken egg extract, an assortment of growth factors, fulvic/humic acids, BCAAs, and CBD.

Let’s begin by breaking down the details of our fertilized chicken egg extract featuring nutritional growth factors. This fascinating complex features many ingredients that boost the overall efficiency of the Theometrics Immunity + CBD formula  product.

  • Heterologous Embryonic Extract/Embryo-Peptides (20 parts)
  • Maltodextrin (80 parts)
  • Selenium Yeast (2 parts containing 750mg Se per kg)
  • Chromium Yeast (1.5 parts containing 900 mg CR per kg)
  • Zinc (0.2 parts zinc chelated in embryo-peptides)
  • Pyridoxine/Vitamin B6 (0.2 parts)
  • A Mixture of Cationic Peptides (0.5 parts – 980±53.3 BAEE units per mg of peptide)
  • Sodium Taurocholate (0.5 parts)
  • Expanded Silicon Dioxide (0.015 parts)
  • Magnesium Stearate (0.01-0.015 parts)
  • Methylparaben (0.01-0.015 parts)

The embryonic-peptide mix contains valuable growth factors that boost the healthy growth of the body. Both the cationic peptides and sodium taurocholate, help to assist to increase the absorption of all the components of Theometrics Immunity + CBD formula .

Here is a full list of the growth factors contained in the amino acid complex found in Theometrics Immunity + CBD formula :

  • IGF-1, IGF-2 (insulin-like growth factors)
  • FGF (fibroblast growth factors)
  • NGF (nerve growth factors)
  • EGF (epidermal growth factors)
  • CTGF (connective tissue growth factors)
  • HGF (hepatocyte growth factors)
  • TGF-β (transforming growth factors)
  • FOLLISTATIN (also known as activin-binding protein)

*FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.


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